What does TAP, Unlimited do?
The Triangle Aphasia Project (TAP), Unlimited is a nonprofit that serves individuals with aphasia, their families, and the community. We work in collaboration with an individual’s speech pathologist, introducing them to programs where they can connect with others with aphasia; practice language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking; and form important connections to return to their life interests and pursuits. We provide families with training, education, and support for dealing with aphasia in their daily lives. And we help professionals plan for their clients’ optimal recovery.
What made you decide to found TAP Unlimited?
I founded TAP, Unlimited in 2003 after more than a decade of serving individuals with aphasia across the continuum of care. I noticed that insurance reviewers, rather than patients and their treatment teams, were controlling decisions about cost and length of treatment. Meanwhile, social rehabilitation models, such as the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia, were being developed around improving quality of life and engagement in the community. TAP, Unlimited was a dream fulfilled: A way to provide individuals with a safe landing, a platform for continued gains in communication, and most importantly, communicative confidence.
Ironically, my own mother suffered a severe stroke in December of 2009, leaving her with nonfluent aphasia. Because of TAP, Unlimited, I was able to more clearly identify what caregivers and community providers needed to serve this population.
Tell me about Flashback Friday, your upcoming event.
We host a signature event every year that always revolves around music, as music is an incredible avenue for communication. Individuals who can’t utter a single word may be able to “sing” their messages and use rhythm to regain verbal communication. Besides, who doesn’t love music?
This year, we’re celebrating music through the decades. A group of TAP clients (the TAPTastics) will perform, and a DJ will spin songs spanning the decades, from your youth all the way through current hits.
Maura, thank you for talking with us!
Thank you, we always appreciate the opportunity to get the word out, and we welcome assistance from the community through volunteer efforts, board and committee involvement, and donations.
🎵 🎸 🎤 🎹 🎶 Flashback Friday is on June 23rd at Cypress Manor Tickets are $40 and include food, dancing, music, and photos. There is a silent auction, balloon pop, and a wine wall. Information, tickets, and sponsorship opportunities are available on the Triangle Aphasia Project website. |