The following is an article from the January 2017 issue of "Get Your Ducks in a Row" Carolina Family Estate Planning's free newsletter. You can read the rest of the issue, as well as back issues of our newsletter online at or subscribe for free at

Happy New Year! I hope your 2017 is full of opportunity. And I hope when opportunity presents itself this year, you'll respond and go after it.

Last October, Jackie and I were preparing to attend a conference scheduled over a long weekend in Northern Virginia. We had registered for the conference and booked our flights and hotel room months in advance. We had the dogs booked for Camp Bow Wow. We were all set. Then, the week before, Jackie sent me a text:

"Wanna shoot some video next week?"

If you've been to over the last 4 years, you may have noticed our logo displayed prominently in a big white box on the homepage. You probably didn't know this, but the logo is a placeholder for a video where Jackie would introduce you to herself and the firm. The logo has been holding that place. For four years.

Jackie had discovered that the company that does our website has a studio near where the conference was going to be held. But we hadn't even asked them about taping yet. And it was going to be a huge hassle to move our plans around

We did it anyway. 


Attorney Jackie Bedard's in a green screen video studio | North Carolina Estate Planning Lawyer


We took the plunge. Without knowing how much any of this would cost, we emailed about studio time. We booked it for the Sunday after the conference. We skipped our return flight. We rented a car and drove back home after taping. And soon—if not before this newsletter goes to print—we will have video on our website.

You have probably set a resolution or two over the past few weeks. There will be moments throughout the year when you have to make a choice between what's easy and what's harder, but better. I hope this year, when you see an opportunity to knock out a stubborn goal, or spend some quality time with your family, or to otherwise improve your life for the long term—I hope you'll seize that opportunity in spite of the initial inconvenience.

I hope your 2017 is amazing. (To borrow Jackie's closing:) To your health, wealth, and happiness!

As always, we hope this article has helped you and your families. If you have a specific case or concern you'd like to share, please contact our office.

Dan Bedard
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